[horde] Issues with Locale and Time (Was Re: Fwd: Your message to horde awaits moderator approval)

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon May 19 14:02:46 UTC 2014

Quoting Patrick De Zordo <patrick at spamreducer.eu>:

> Am 19.05.2014 15:34, schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
>> Horde has a global timezone setting, which Kronolith will use by  
>> default. You can create an event in a different timezone when  
>> creating the event, or leave it as 'Default' to use the global  
>> timezone.
> Dont know where to find it..

In the user's 'locale and time' preference.

> Whats the default value after pulling Horde from GIT? (I haven't  
> found a timesetting right now)

The default timezone setting in PHP's configuration.

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