[horde] Question about NAG saving

Bastian Klein b.klein at bkims.de
Wed May 21 14:55:32 UTC 2014

Quoting Patrick De Zordo <patrick at spamreducer.eu>:

> Have I to make some special install steps for NAG?
> I can't create a new Task, as apache is giving back this message:
> "The requested URL /horde/nag/t/save was not found on this server"
> Same if I try to complete a Task:
> "The requested URL /horde/nag/t/complete was not found on this server."
> Is this a code issue or am I making some errors in config?


a.) Is mod_rewrite enabled?
b.) Is AllowOverride all?


> If code issue I could create a bug in buglist.. ;-)
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