[horde] ActiveSync Outlook 2013 - disconnected : getBackendIdForFolderUid failed

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun May 25 15:38:46 UTC 2014

Quoting Torben Dannhauer <torben at dannhauer.info>:

> Hi,
> My Outlook 2013 shows always a "disconnected" even directly after startup if
> I enter my EAS account (calendar/contacts).
> The Horde EAS Log shows the following:


> This " Horde_ActiveSync_Collections::getBackendIdForFolderUid failed because
> folder was not found in cache." ist persistent even after the <n>th restart
> of Outlook. Why does Horde not update the cache and stops throwing an
> Exception?

This would happen if the client issues a request for a collection that  
we no longer know about. Perhaps a stale OL process? Anyway, I've  
tweaked the error in Git that is returned to (hopefully) cause OL to  
refresh it's internal hierarchy state. It'll be in the next ActiveSync  
pear release.
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