[horde] Issues with getting webmail working

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon May 26 09:06:02 UTC 2014

Zitat von Robert Smith <twopoint71 at gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I'm putting together a horde webmail edition setup using the following:
> centos 6.5
> php-fpm 5.3.3
> mysql 5.1.73
> nginx 1.6.0
> dovecot 2.0.9
> horde/webmail 5.1.4
> Using the PEAR installer, the webmail for workgroups install went quite
> smooth.  Then came the cryptic "Error when communicating with the server."
> message.
> Initially, the message was due to requests like this being pushed through:
> POST /services/ajax.php/horde/topbarUpdate
> This was due to the incorrect configuration of the fastcgi in nginx.  Got
> that worked out.
> Now my error logs have gone silent, and the error message still persists.
> My error logs:
> /var/log/nginx/error.log - debug level
> /var/log/messages - eh, no level
> /var/log/php-fpm/error.log - default level
> /var/log/horde - debug level
> /var/log/maillog - default level?
> Upon logging in to Horde Groupware Webmail edition, everything functions,
> save for the mail.  Horde even tells me I have 1 unread message and 5 read
> messages which is accurate with what's in the inbox.  I've been using
> Thunderbird with dovecot for a bit, but want to get a nice webmail setup
> working.  Not really sure where to go from here.  Is there a log I might be
> missing?
> I hope that I've covered all the bases for the needed information.  Yes,
> I've searched around the list, the error seems common enough.
> Does this have anything to do with my horde_core version being sub-2.12.0
> and  horde version being sub-5.2 which is not yet released?  If so, if
> there's a patch, I'm not afraid to go change the code, it's already not
> working for my setup, so the worst that will happen is I trash it, and have
> to re-install.
> Thanks,
> Bob

Use some tool like Firebug that allows you to read XHR/AJAX responses  
from the server.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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