[horde] After update: Handler for imp does not exist

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Jul 11 20:26:54 UTC 2014

Quoting Florian Brandner <florian at brandner.net>:

> Hi!
>>> I updated to the current versions of Horde, IMP etc., and now I get
>>> sometimes a blank page with the following error when starting imp:
>>> /*-secure-{"response":null,"msgs":[{"message":"Handler for action
>>> \"imp\" does not exist.","type":"horde.error"}]}*/
>>> It seems to happen when I am not accessing/reloading horde for a few
>>> minutes. Any idea where this comes from?
>> You are saying 2 different things here.  You say this happens when  
>> you login to IMP, and then you say it only happens when you've been  
>> logged in for a few minutes.  So I am confused as to how you can  
>> reproduce.
> I am logging into horde using IMAP as the auth backend. So I do not  
> have separate logins for horde and imp.

Why are you using IMAP as the auth backend?  You should be using  
application => 'imp' instead then.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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