[horde] After update: Handler for imp does not exist

Florian Brandner florian at brandner.net
Fri Jul 11 20:42:14 UTC 2014


Zitat von Robert Schetterer <rs at sys4.de>:

> ...
>     'debug' => '/tmp/imp_imap.log',
>     'debug_raw' => true,
> set horde log file and level from admin gui

Lots of output, no errors though. I see the logins, periodic status  
updates of inbox and folders etc, but no imap-error. At the moment of  
the horde error, there is no output at all in the imap.log
There also is no error in hordes own log, currently set to priority INFO.

I'll change the config to use IMP instead of IMAP as auth-driver.  
Maybe this will have some sort of effect...
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Florian Brandner

WWW:    http://www.brandner.net        eMail:  florian at brandner.net
Skype:  derbrandy                      Jabber: flbr at verdammung.org

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