[horde] Problem with Claendar Sharing

Bastian Klein b.klein at bkims.de
Wed Aug 6 11:13:57 UTC 2014

Hi all, 

after Upgrading to horde 5.2 (and horde 5.2.1) i have a problem with shared
I can see entries in calender view only till middle of the actual month.

When i try to create an entry, the save dialog never disappers but under
the account of the shared calender the entrie pops up.

I Can see the new entry on my dashboard in calender summary but not in
calender view.
When clicking to next or past month, the menu becomes inaccessible. 

Any ideas? 
Ive you dont get what im trying to explain, please ask. This is quite
difficult to explain for me in english.

Best Regards, 


Phone: +49 (5344) 2590066
Mobil: +49 (179) 7425446
Mail: b.klein at bkims.de

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