[horde] [Tickets #12380] Re: Accessing shared calendars via CalDAV broken

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Sep 5 14:25:06 UTC 2014

Zitat von grupo correo <grupodecorreo10 at gmail.com>:

> Hi List!!
> for your info i have added 2 comments in this bug about this Ticket.
> http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12380
> These are my comments.
> 2014-08-22 09:18:23
> Hi everybody!
> I have upgrade Horde 5.1.6 to Horde 5.2.1 with kronolith 4.2.1.
> Thunderbird 24.6 y lightning 2.6.6.  PHP 5.3.3.
> I go to kronolith in webmail and i take the Caldav Subscription URL
> from one shared calendar, and when i try to add this calendar in
> thunderbird i receive an error in my server console with the same error.
> HORDE: [kronolith] Call to a member function toHash() on a non-object
> [pid 6284 on line 686 of
> "/var/www/html/mail/horde5_mdm/kronolith/lib/Application.php"]
> I don't know where is the problema. Any suggestion about that?
> Best regards.
> And then i found a solution, but is not valid for me.
> 2014-09-02 12:44:31
> Hi!!!
> I have resolved my issue and i know why didn't work! If a check this:
> $conf[share][hidden]
> If you enable this option, the shares that a user has access to will
> NOT be displayed automatically, but only if the user subscribed to them.
> the problem persist. If it is unchecked, works. But i need to check
> this option in my company.
> Do you know why is this option the problem?
> Thanks a lot and regards.

Because of exactly what it is advertised to do. With this setting, you  
cannot list shares you have access to. You can still use the  
calendars' individual URLs, but you cannot use the account URL to  
retrieve a list of available calendars. If your client only supports  
account/principal URLs, you are out of luck.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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