[horde] caldav troubles

Didi Kressnig didimp at servus.at
Fri Nov 7 11:09:06 UTC 2014


first, thank you for this peace of software.
almost all is working fine, even activesync seems to work
with thunderbird/lightning and tzpush.

but when I try to configure thunderbird/lighning per caldav
to connect to one of my calendars, the name is greyed out and
i get 405 (method not allowed) errors in the logs of the
web server. for example:
... PROPFIND /horde/rpc/calendars/$user/calendar~_QSwuDq84APvDVwmY8QFlQ1/ HTTP/1.1" 405 306

I can connect to https://$SERVER_NAME/horde/rpc, successfully login
and get a list of services including principals, calendars, kronolith and so on.
don't know if this is relevant, but when i click on one of those items i get
a 404 not found on the page and in the logs of the web server.

Do i miss something or am i completely wrong and have to find the
cause of this problem elsewhere?
It would be very great if someone can point me into the right direction
to start debugging. sorry, i'm not a developer.

Btw, Im using centos7 with apache 2.4.3, php5.4.16 and mariadb 5.5.37.
horde is installed from the epel repository, in the meantime from
epel-testing, to get the latest versions.

thanks in advance for any hints,

servus.at - institut fuer kunst & kultur im netz
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Tel.: +43 732 731209 301

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