[horde] trean: 404 when deleting or saving after edit

Jan Niggemann jn at hz6.de
Sun Dec 14 12:42:48 UTC 2014

Am 14.12.2014 10:14, schrieb Philip Frei:
> Am Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:04:13 +0100
> schrieb Jan Niggemann <jn at hz6.de>:
>> Creating bookmarks works fine, but saving after editing 
>> reproduceably
>> produces a 404 with http://domain.de/horde/trean/b/save not being
>> found, the same goes for deleting
> What's your OS? Do you use php-fpm?
Sorry, forgot to mention this:
I'm on CentOS 6.6 and php is running as FastCGI (not mod_php), I'll ask 
the hoster if they use php-fpm.
I noticed this in my phpinfo but don't know if it matters: 


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