[horde] More on Installation issue with /usr/share path

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Feb 5 23:50:12 UTC 2015

Quoting Arne Hermann <arne at synercom-edi.com>:

> Hi All,
> (Original post below)
> So it turns out that the hosting environment in my case is hardened  
> and does not allow access to the /usr/share/php server directory.  
> This is in a shared hosting environment and the idea behind that is  
> to avoid allowing a user site to access someone else's installed  
> apps (phpMyAdmin, etc).
> So, I'm looking for advice on how to solve this.
> Since this will be the only hordemail installation on this server,  
> will it work if I simply move the files in /usr/share/php/Horde into  
> a directory in my web tree (e.g. [domain-webroot]/Horde/ ) and put  
> the Horde.php file in the webroot?  Will I have to adjust anything  
> else to make that work (I'm thinking include paths and such)?

Is there a reason you can't install to a different location using a  
dedicated PEAR instance?

> TIA,
> -Arne
> =====================
> Original Email:
> First, thanks to those who answered my previous query so quickly and  
> correctly!
> On-going issues with this install though. When running /test.php  
> from a browser I get the error:
> Could not find Horde's framework libraries in the following path(s):
> /usr/[ my domain root ]/hordemail/lib:.:/usr/share/php. Please read  
> horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install these libraries.
> Now, this error is triggered because test.php is looking for  
> "Horde/Autoloader.php" in the "share path" which horde sees as  
> /usr/share/php - and I've verified that /usr/share/php/Horde is  
> there and does indeed contain a whole whack of dirs and files (that  
> were put there during my install process) INCLUDING Autoloader.php!  
> Permissions on the directories below ..../Horde are rwr-xr-x and the  
> PHP files in there are rw-rw-r--.
> I'm missing something pretty basic here I think - any ideas?
> TIA,
> -Arne
> -- 
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