[horde] More on Installation issue with /usr/share path

Arne Hermann arne at synercom-edi.com
Thu Feb 5 23:35:36 UTC 2015

Hi All,

(Original post below)

So it turns out that the hosting environment in my case is hardened 
and does not allow access to the /usr/share/php server directory. 
This is in a shared hosting environment and the idea behind that is 
to avoid allowing a user site to access someone else's installed apps 
(phpMyAdmin, etc).

So, I'm looking for advice on how to solve this.

Since this will be the only hordemail installation on this server, 
will it work if I simply move the files in /usr/share/php/Horde into 
a directory in my web tree (e.g. [domain-webroot]/Horde/ ) and put 
the Horde.php file in the webroot?  Will I have to adjust anything 
else to make that work (I'm thinking include paths and such)?




Original Email:

First, thanks to those who answered my previous query so quickly and correctly!

On-going issues with this install though. When running /test.php from 
a browser I get the error:

Could not find Horde's framework libraries in the following path(s):
/usr/[ my domain root ]/hordemail/lib:.:/usr/share/php. Please read 
horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install these libraries.

Now, this error is triggered because test.php is looking for 
"Horde/Autoloader.php" in the "share path" which horde sees as 
/usr/share/php - and I've verified that /usr/share/php/Horde is there 
and does indeed contain a whole whack of dirs and files (that were 
put there during my install process) INCLUDING Autoloader.php! 
Permissions on the directories below ..../Horde are rwr-xr-x and the 
PHP files in there are rw-rw-r--.

I'm missing something pretty basic here I think - any ideas?



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