[horde] Activesync calendar won't sync, log shows Duplicate entry

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Feb 18 16:12:03 UTC 2015

Quoting John H. Bennett III <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:

> Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Quoting John H. Bennett III <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:
>>> Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>>>> Quoting John H. Bennett III <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> I'm seeing this error in my log.
>>>>> Feb 15 12:47:27 jbesmith HORDE: SQL QUERY FAILED: Duplicate  
>>>>> entry '{54e0e7e8-132c-458c-a25a-2a140a0a0a28}22' for key  
>>>>> 'PRIMARY'   #011INSERT INTO horde_activesync_state (sync_key,  
>>>>> sync_data, sync_devid, #011  sync_mod, sync_folderid, sync_user,  
>>>>> sync_pending, sync_timestamp) #011  VALUES  
>>>>> ('{54e0e7e8-132c-458c-a25a-2a140a0a0a28}22', #011   
>>>>> 'C:34:"Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Collection":88:{{"s":[],"f":"@Calendar@  
>>>>> #011   
>>>>> ","c":"Calendar","lsd":1416767976,"sd":1424025577,"i":true,"v":1}}',  
>>>>> #011  'SEC3626BBCAF3D99', '11092', 'A0ab702e6', #011   
>>>>> 'name_removed at mydomain.com', 'a:0:{}', 1424026047) [pid 10356 on  
>>>>> line 315 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php"]
>>>>> I read this link,  
>>>>> http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync/KnownIssues#toc9, but until I  
>>>>> remove this entry, my calendar won't sync with new/changed  
>>>>> entries, everything else seems fine.
>>>>> Is there anything I can do, short of completely deleting the  
>>>>> account and recreating it?
>>>> Most likely there is an issue with the specific calendar entry  
>>>> that is causing the client to not accept it. This causes the same  
>>>> request (with the same sync key) to be issued - which leads to  
>>>> that "error" in the logs. You can post the sync log of the  
>>>> request that is failing and I'll take a look to see if anything  
>>>> looks odd. Otherwise, you can try deleting the offending calendar  
>>>> entry from Kronolith and try recreating it.
>>>> -- 
>>>> mike
>>>> The Horde Project
>>>> http://www.horde.org
>>>> https://www.facebook.com/hordeproject
>>>> https://www.twitter.com/hordeproject
>>> Thank you Mike.  I don't have any problem trying to delete the  
>>> entry and recreating it, but how do I know which entry to delete  
>>> from that log error?
>> Depending on what action is being performed on the calendar event,  
>> you should be able to see the details of the event in the sync log.
>> -- 
>> mike
>> The Horde Project
>> http://www.horde.org
>> https://www.facebook.com/hordeproject
>> https://www.twitter.com/hordeproject
> Here is a sync log sent only to you.  Hate to burden you with this,  
> but I am very grateful for your assistance.  If you can figure out  
> what's going on, and can tell me what to look for, maybe I can help  
> myself next time.  I didn't see any place on the horde site that  
> talked about how to debug a sync log.  I deleted some other events  
> that I didn't need, but I still have the same error.

Can you see if the following commit fixes the issue for you? Also,  
what client is this?


The Horde Project
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