[horde] Anyone Else Experiencing Ingo Wipes Out Existing Rules ???

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Wed Mar 11 13:59:39 UTC 2015

Quoting Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:
> On 10.03.2015 16:38, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
>> Quoting Andy Dorman <adorman at ironicdesign.com>:
>>> We have not experienced anything like Ingo wiping out exiting rules.
>>> However, after seeing your email I did some checking and found much to
>>> my surprise that at some point in the last few months our ingo has
>>> apparently stopped talking to our Cyrus sieve.
>>> I sill have a lot of digging to do to confirm this is not our
>>> configuration problem (I suspect it is).
>>> At the moment our existing sieve scripts from last Fall are fine and
>>> working on our mailbox servers, but when I attempt to change one in
>>> Ingo I get a massive error report (that I have so far been unable to
>>> capture and it is not in the normal logs, so I will have to enable
>>> debug logs to see it) and the ingo copy of the script in the Horde db
>>> is updated correctly while the Cyrus copy is not changed.
>>> I will be able to report more as soon as I have time to take a longer
>>> look.
>> Thanks for the feedback.
>> I have spent quite a bit of time testing it.  It is frustratingly
>> illusive.  I can create rules, create rules, and then I create another
>> rule and that is the only rule left.  I have turned off auto-activate -
>> no difference.  I have moved from preference storage to SQL storage [for
>> rules] - no differences.  The rules either all disappear or most of them
>> disappear, with no growlers and no errors in the logs.
> You can look at the script ingo supposedly creates in the web UI.

I know, that is not where the problem is.  The script - such that it  
is - gets saved to the sieve server just fine.  I have disabled  
auto-activiation for testing.

It appears that occasionally the Save-Rule button/action acts like it  
stalls out.  Clicking that does not return to the rule list, it  
remains in the rule.  Then I click Save-Rule again and it goes to the  
rule list, at which point some number of rules will be missing,  
possibly all.  It is a problem with Ingo persisting the rule or  

Obviously with a longer list of rules this is really aggrevating.

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