[horde] Multiple calendars over Active Sync on Android 5 not working anymore?

Michael mine at michi.su
Sun Mar 22 11:30:24 UTC 2015

On 21.03.2015 19:25, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
> Quoting Michael <mine at michi.su>:
>> On 04.03.2015 04:59, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>>> Quoting Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org>:
>>>> Citeren Michael <mine at michi.su>:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> some time ago I have been testing an Android 4.4 device to sync my
>>>>> Horde
>>>>> calendars over ActiveSync. Multi calender support worked quite good.
>>>>> Now I got a Nexus 5 with Android 5.0.1 and syncing multiple calendars
>>>>> seem not to work anymore.
>>>>> Is that an issue on Android side, or do I need to investigate in
>>>>> searching the issue in my Horde installation?
>>>> I have found the stock Android ActiveSync support to be hit-and-miss.
>>>> Before digging into your Horde configuration, I would check with a
>>>> known-good mail client first. A fairly good one is the 'Nine' client,
>>>> which also receives frequent updates. You can try it for free for two
>>>> weeks, which should be ample time to find out whether there is
>>>> something wrong with your server or clients.
>>> As Arjen has said, this varies from client to client. However, there was
>>> an issue in detecting the version string sent by Andoid 5 (at least the
>>> one sent by the emulator). I've fixed this in Git and the emulator is
>>> correctly detected as Android 5.0 - which does support multiple
>>> calendars.
>> Finally I had the time to test ActiveSync with e new account. I tested
>> with a lot of different combinations:
>> Android 4.4.4, Nine on Android 4.4.4, Android 5.0.1, Nine on Android
>> 5.0.1
>> Before running each test I did the following:
>> * Remove the user with "horde-remove-user-data"
>> * Create a second calendar
>> * Create one appointment for each calendar
>> * Preferences -> Calendar -> Synchronization Preferences -> Check
>> Support separate calendars?
> Did you check to be sure the new calendar is selected to sync in the prefs?

Damned, it was not checked. Only the check box next to it was checked.
Thanks for the hint.
This is working now. However on my device I have still to resync completely.

> Also, with Nine, I think you need to explicitly request a new FOLDERSYNC
> so that the client picks up folder changes. I kind of remember that
> client doesn't periodically issue a one on it's own (like it should).
> IIRC, there is a sync/refresh icon on account information page in Nine.

I had Nine only installed for testing. I already removed it before. But
on stock Android it seem to be the same problem.

Thanks again for your help.


>> In general, ActiveSync seem to be working quite good. Except the
>> separate calendar, separate task list, separate notes isn't working.
> Your log shows that separate calendars are supported, but it looks like
> you maybe didn't enable separate tasks and contacts etc.. (this is what
> the "@Tasks@" and "@Contacts@" folder names mean).

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