[horde] Future of Horde

Martin Skjöldebrand martin at skjoldebrand.eu
Tue Jun 23 07:55:54 UTC 2015


Greetings from a new user and email admin.
(Well I ran a sendmail server at the office many years ago but anyway...)

I've set up a mail server using Postfix, Courier and Horde for the  
familly mail (moving away from a borked hosting mail and GMail). Of  
the webmail alternatives (SquirrelMail, Roundcube and Horde) the only  
one I got to work properly is Horde (Roundcube timed out when sending  
despite putting hours into configuration trouble shooting, Squirrel  
didn't officially time out but did send anything either) which sent  
mail on default installation.

Looking at the community material some of it seems somewhat dated. I  
found a plan for Horde 6 mentioning CAlDAV for example which already  
is implemented in version 5 unless I am totally misunderstanding  
things. Which usually is very likely.
Also, the darling of the webmail world at the moment (apart from  
GMail) seems to be Roundcube.

So, what is the status of Horde at this time? It all seems to work  
brilliantly for me at the moment.


Martin S

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