[horde] Future of Horde

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Jun 23 13:51:24 UTC 2015

Quoting Martin Skjöldebrand <martin at skjoldebrand.eu>:

> Hi,
> Greetings from a new user and email admin.
> (Well I ran a sendmail server at the office many years ago but anyway...)
> I've set up a mail server using Postfix, Courier and Horde for the  
> familly mail (moving away from a borked hosting mail and GMail). Of  
> the webmail alternatives (SquirrelMail, Roundcube and Horde) the  
> only one I got to work properly is Horde (Roundcube timed out when  
> sending despite putting hours into configuration trouble shooting,  
> Squirrel didn't officially time out but did send anything either)  
> which sent mail on default installation.
> Looking at the community material some of it seems somewhat dated. I  
> found a plan for Horde 6 mentioning CAlDAV for example which already  
> is implemented in version 5 unless I am totally misunderstanding  
> things. Which usually is very likely.

The official roadmaps are at http://horde.org. You are probably  
looking at http://www.horde.org/apps/webmail/roadmap which is kind of  
a combination roadmap of all of the various Horde applications that go  
into the Groupware bundle. The CalDAV items listed there are for  
*client* support, along with some Dav support for Notes which doesn't  
exist in the 5.* line. The CalDAV support in Horde 5 is *server*  
support (so other clients can connect to Horde as a *Dav server).

> Also, the darling of the webmail world at the moment (apart from  
> GMail) seems to be Roundcube.

Oh, I don't know about that.... :)

> So, what is the status of Horde at this time? It all seems to work  
> brilliantly for me at the moment.

We are alive, well, and very active; Working hard and tirelessly  
towards Horde 6.

The Horde Project
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