[horde] Update questions Horde Webmail

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Oct 28 12:37:12 UTC 2015

Quoting Jens Hellermann <hellermann at we-do.com>:

> Dear Horde List members,
> I have a question concerning updates of Horde Webmail. As I didn't  
> know better at first (just googled update horde howto), I updated  
> Horde Webmail following an article in a german debianforum:
> |pear upgrade -f -a -B -c horde
> and afterwards it was recommended to execute some scripts again:
> ||pear run-scripts horde/Horde_Role|
> But now I read in a mail from Michael Rubinsk that I should have used:
> pear upgrade -a -B horde/webmail
> I guess that is also why I lost some php extensions after upgrading.
> In my last update I did follow the method Michael suggested, but I'm  
> still facing instability issues with the webinterface and  
> connectivity issues to active sync (which dissapear, when I restart  
> the whole server).
> My questions now are, how bad is it, I used the wrong update method?  
> Can these problems result from that and can the process be reversed  
> somehow, even by  installating over the existing installation?

What does:

pear list -c horde


> I any case I need to preserve the settings and the active-sync  
> status of the clients, as I have a testing group involved there.
> Kind regards, Jens.
> -- 
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