[horde] PHP 7 and PEAR

Henning Twilek at gmx.de
Tue Feb 2 21:20:52 UTC 2016

Jan Schneider <jan <at> horde.org> writes:

> Do you actually have a PEAR version that's compatible with PHP 7?

I use PEAR 1.10.1 which as far as I could figure out is the latest and 
should be compatible. It is not that I can´t run pear with PHP 7. It 
installs packages (which just don´t show up in horde). Just somehow the 
change in PHP messes things up with pear. The channels stay but the 
packages show up as not installed after the switch and there are the SNMP 
errors which I cannot get rid of. I think that some things of the old 
config are ported over and don´t work anymore. I cannot figure out what 
and do not dare to completely wipe PEAR and start fresh.

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