[horde] Configuring the signature in sent Email.

Andy Dorman adorman at ironicdesign.com
Tue Feb 9 13:43:43 UTC 2016

On 02/09/2016 07:30 AM, Andy Dorman wrote:
> I Googled "horde imp signature" and this was the first thread that came
> up...
> http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/email/horde-webmail/create-signature
> Andy
> On 02/09/2016 01:02 AM, Abdulrahman Jameel Ismail wrote:
>> Dears
>> First point:
>> When I want send an Email I want to attach the logo of the company with
>> my personal information like my job position and phone no. etc.
>> So can you please give the steps to attach these things automatically in
>> the email whenever I want send an Email.
>> Second point:
>> When I configure Microsoft outlook on my pc it does not sync the sent
>> file even with when I chose IMAP.

Sorry about the top post earlier....

If you want to add a trailer to every email that goes out from everyone, 
use Imp's hooks.local.php

      * Dynamically create the contents of the message trailer text.
      * @param boolean $html                 If true, the trailer text to be
      *                                      used in the HTML part. If 
null is
      *                                      returned, the plaintext trailer
      *                                      text will be used.
      * @param IMP_Prefs_Identity $identity  The identity object of the 
      * @param Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List $to    The list of addresses the 
      *                                      is being sent to.
      * @return string  The trailer text to be used.

     public function trailer($html)
         // Return branded text for FanMailPlus Webmail
         if ($html) {
             return "<hr /><div>This message was sent using FanMailPlus 
Webmail based on Horde Groupware.</div>";
         } else {
             return "--------------------------------\n" .
                 "This message was sent using FanMailPlus Webmail based 
on Horde Groupware.";

Andy Dorman

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