[horde] apache cpu usage?

avp at rokeyetee.com avp at rokeyetee.com
Thu Feb 18 13:35:30 UTC 2016

I'm running Horde on a AWS t2.medium instance - HORDE GROUPWARE WEBMAIL

I've got some funny apache behaviour that just doesn't seem right to me...

When I run "apache2ctl status", 99% of the time all threads are in the "W"
(Sending Reply) state:

     Current Time: Thursday, 18-Feb-2016 10:02:53 NST
      Restart Time: Thursday, 18-Feb-2016 09:49:25 NST
      Parent Server Config. Generation: 1
      Parent Server MPM Generation: 0
      Server uptime: 13 minutes 27 seconds
      Server load: 0.77 0.77 0.85
      Total accesses: 1382 - Total Traffic: 7.7 MB
      CPU Usage: u230.64 s11.47 cu0 cs0 - 30% CPU load
      1.71 requests/sec - 9.8 kB/second - 5.7 kB/request
      20 requests currently being processed, 8 idle workers

It seems strange to me that "sending reply" would be the bottleneck?

Also when I run top, I constantly see apache procs jumping to the top with
up to 50% cpu usage.

Most all the connections are ActiveSync.

What are recommended settings for apache when running Horde?

Any other tips/advice to lower CPU usage?  



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