[horde] PHP7 Error?

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Dec 18 23:11:09 UTC 2016

Quoting Torben Dannhauer <torben at dannhauer.info>:

> Hi,
> I installed current horde Famework without any Horde application on a PHP
> 7.0.13 machine. After fixing some PHP7 error ins pear packages, I was able
> to run test.php without any issue. I was also able to use the webinterface.
> However, since I set up custom SQL authentication, loggin in failed (it
> returned to the empty login page), and throws the following info into the
> log:
> HORDE: Guest user is not authorized for Horde (Host:
> [anonymized-Ipv6address]). [pid 7626 on line 324 of
> "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php"]
> Other logs are not observed.

Have you verified that the query is correct and is returning the  
expected user? It's odd that you don't see an authentication failed  
error, but an error indicating a non-authenticated user tried to  
navigate to the 'horde' application.

> The identical auth setup is currently working on the old producive system,
> so it should be working out of the box. I also verified that the SQL
> credentials work for queries from that specific machine.
> Do you have any idea what the reason might be, or in what corner I should
> proceed to search?
> Many thanks,
> Torben
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