[horde] [Tickets #14550] Re: Active sync via outlook resulting in memory exhausted

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Feb 1 18:52:05 UTC 2017

Quoting Michael Klein <Michael.Klein at hypaerion.net>:

> Hmm,
> I think it is related to some old mails I have send that include  
> attachments...
> Here is an example.. The attachment is bigger than 10 MB. I know  
> that active sync always had issues with sending these big files.  
> What is interesting is that now I also have issues with syncing  
> these mails.

This email syncs perfectly fine on all my test devices.

Additionally, there is nothing in this email that would have triggered  
the code where the memory exhaustion was logged in your original report.

> Hope this is finally the mail that is causing the issue..

<SNIP link to email file>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: noreply at bugs.horde.org [mailto:noreply at bugs.horde.org]
> Sent: Montag, 23. Januar 2017 22:24
> To: michael.klein at hypaerion.net
> Subject: [Tickets #14550] Re: Active sync via outlook resulting in  
> memory exhausted
> Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14550
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Ticket             | 14550
>   Updated By         | Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
>   Summary            | Active sync via outlook resulting in memory exhausted
>   Queue              | Horde Framework Packages
>   Type               | Bug
>   State              | No Feedback
>   Priority           | 2. Medium
>   Milestone          |
>   Patch              |
>   Owners             | Michael Rubinsky
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> (2017-01-23 21:23) wrote:
>> I think i nailed it down... Looks like a whole bunch of mails which
>> ran throu a yahoo group some very long time ago were the rootcause..
>> i send you one example via mail.
> The sample email is sync'd with no issues to all of my test clients  
> - including Outlook. No display issues and no out of memory issues.
> Additionaly, the email you sent me did not contain any TNEF or DAT  
> attachments, which is the ONLY way the code where the memory  
> exhaustion occurred would have been called.
>>>> I have removed the mail from the trash.. Still the error occurres. I
>>>> have pulled a new report under the same address as before. As this
>>>> mail was related to a calendar entry, do you think it might be
>>>> related to the entry in the calendar?
>>> Yes, meeting requests are sometimes sent as TNEF or DAT file
>>> attachments from Outlook.
>>>>>> I have setup a new sync with a new device. But the only thing i
>>>>>> see until the
>>>>>> HORDE[5838]: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted
>>>>>> (tried to allocate 150994944 bytes) [pid 5838 on line 1090 of
>>>>>> "/usr/share/php/Math/BigInteger.php"]
>>>>> You should be looking at the sync log, not the horde log and should
>>>>> see a LOT more than this.
>>>>>> Can i send you the log file so you can have a look? I really can
>>>>>> not find anything :-(
>>>>> You can send me the sync log, yes but I will also probably need an
>>>>> email that triggers this. As I said, it's most likely an email with
>>>>> a TNEF or *.DAT file attachment.

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