[horde] New event in calendar: too much Attendees

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Apr 5 12:12:05 UTC 2017

Zitat von Paul Plankton <paul.plankton2 at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I have a problem with the Horde-calendar where I'm not sure if it is a bug
> or If I'm too stupid do use it.
> That's what I'm doing:
> I create a new event in calendar (Horde web frontend), give date, time,
> location and whatever is necessary. Next I type the mail addresses in field
> "Add attendees e-mail addresses: — separate e-mail addresses with a comma"
> of all people which shall take part at this event.
> Now some strange things happen: beside the mail addresses I type also my
> own mail address is added automatically. When I do not remove my mail
> address, I get an invitation too. More than this: after applying this
> event, it is added to my calendar. Now when I accept (this same) event via
> the mail I got, it will be added to calendar again!
> So: what is the problem? Do I really need to manually remove my own mail
> address every time I invite some other people to my event? Or is there an
> option where I can turn off this behaviour so that I'm no longer invited to
> an event which already exists in my calendar?
> Thanks!

Yourself being added as an attendee by default is the correct and  
intended behavior.

The tracking of an event's organizer has been much improved for Horde  
6, so that you should no longer get unwanted invitations in the next  
version of Kronolith.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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