[horde] Horde - Accessing calendar

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Apr 8 22:56:46 UTC 2017

Quoting Harlan <harlan.bloom at gmail.com>:

> Hello,
>   I'm trying to access my calendar from Thunderbird and Android.
>   The closest I've come so far is through a webpage using the  
> abbreviate principals link:  https://<ip>/webmail/rpc/  . This  
> allows me to login using my username/password and I see a directory  
> listing of "Collections" such as principals, calendars, etc.  If I  
> try to click on any of those I get a "Not Found" error in the browser.
>   When trying from android and Thunderbird, I get a message  
> basically saying it can't find the server.  I'm able to login to the  
> Horde main page just fine.
>   What information should I post to help figure this out?  There are  
> lots of options to look at and change and I don't want to post lots  
> of settings that are not relevant.
>   I've lots of searching and nothing so far has yield any solutions.
>   BTW, I'm doing this from inside my network so I'm not concerned  
> with outside access nor firewalls right now.  First get working  
> inside, then worry about getting working outside.
> Thanks,
> Harlan...

I'm going to assume you are trying to access via CalDAV?

 From Android, you could also use ActiveSync.

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