[horde] Change location where horde looks for files

Vilius Sumskas/LNK vilius at lnk.lt
Tue Apr 11 19:16:47 UTC 2017


> I installed the latest Horde and it was installed at /usr/share/horde.
> I want it installed at /var/www/html/horde
> I removed the installation with pear and tried installing again making 
> sure the installation folder was set to /var/www/html/horde
> Now when I try to open http://www.name.com/horde I get Forbidden.  You 
> don't have permission to access /horde/on this server.   Looking at the 
> logs I can see it is still trying to pull from /usr/share/horde
> How do I change the location it looks for the files to 

You are probably confusing installation folder for Horde web applications, 
where they are accessed by your HTTP server and Horde libraries which get 
installed to default PEAR folder, which is /usr/share/pear in most cases.

If you want web applications to be installed to /var/www/html/horde, then 
follow the installation instructions and set that path after you install 
Horde_Role library.


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