[horde] Mail folders migration & Horde theme per user

Luis Felipe Marzagao lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 01:17:23 UTC 2017

Em 12/06/2017 19:13, balia escreveu:
> Thank you Luis Felipe; your solution worked.
> For others who may encounter this problem on Horde 5.2.20, I didn't 
> have "Show all folders" but "Show all Mailboxes".
> However regarding "Advanced Preferences", I don't have this option at 
> all.
> There is no "Show advanced preferences" under Preferences > Mail or 
> any other tab.

Yes, there is. Check the attachment.

> Do I need to enable it in conf.php?
> Also, the user prefers the old Horde theme and doesn't like the Horde 
> 5 theme.
> Can I change the theme per user? How can I do that?
> Best.
> -- 

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