[horde] Adding plugins to CKEDITOR IN imp not working -> advice/help needed??

J.M. Stoorvogel jmstoorvogel at stoorvogelsoftware.nl
Tue Jul 18 10:45:58 UTC 2017


ever since a horde upgrade  to 5.2.4 lots of complaints from customers  
about the double-space item when replying to Word mails, not to  
mention the position of the signature.

For the first problem, a simple plugin is required for CKEDITOR.  
Although documentation enough, it doesn't work. The Horde development  
team altered small fractions (not including config.js),
and apparently more.

Some initialisation is done at  
imp/lib/Script/Package/{ComposeBase,Editor,Imp}.php, but this is  
scattered among files and it's hard to see what final config is given  

Does anyone have experience with this and can point me in the right direction?

I included the config.js in Editor.php (verified for loading) and included the
timestamp demo from  
http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Tutorials/Timestamp_Plugin to no  
avail :( and added the "extraPlugins:"timestamp"" setting.


Jean Michel Stoorvogel
Stoorvogel Software Engineering

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