[horde] Further installation issues

o1bigtenor o1bigtenor at gmail.com
Fri Aug 11 13:07:49 UTC 2017


Further issue (with the commands)

$ pear remote-list -c horde
Connection to 'ssl://pear.horde.org:443' failed: Unable to find the socket
transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?

Checked in the responses to the ($./configure) command (under Configuring

(listed is . . .)

checking whether libxml install dir . . . /usr
checking for OpenSSL support . . .  yes

(. . .)

looking for php.ini and I find one at:

/usr/lib/php/7.0/  (php.ini-production)

and another one at:

/etc/php/7.0/apache2/  (php.ini)

when I use the command

$ php --ini

Configuration File (php.ini) Path:  /usr/local/lib/
Loaded Configuration File:        (none)
Scan for additional .ini files      (none)
Additional .ini files parsed        (none)

So - - - I'm a little closer to affecting and install (I think), yet I
can't find a way to resolve the present issue.

I'm so confused and I can't find any help using a search engine.

Any suggestions?



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