[horde] horde has gone

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Sat Aug 12 23:04:17 UTC 2017

You need to reinstall horde5 and horde5-imp etc. Warning these will be dropped from factory very soon. Php7 versions will show up shortly. Use isv:b1-systems:horde5:rolling to obtain the php5 versions once they are removed from leap 42.3 ff

Am 25. Juli 2017 16:47:02 MESZ schrieb Ferdinand Gruber <fer.grub at yahoo.de>:
>on my Suse server I removed the package
>    php5-pear-channel-horde
>Now my horde site did no more answer.
>After that I reinstalled this package with YAST
>    php5-pear-channel-horde
>But horde does no more work
>What can I do?
>Regards from Austria
>Ferdinand Gruber
>Horde mailing list
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Ralf Lang
lang at b1-systems.de

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