[horde] Installing HORDE on Ubuntu 16.04 from PEAR instead from APT-GET

SZÉPE Viktor viktor at szepe.net
Tue Sep 5 15:39:41 UTC 2017

Idézem/Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von INFO - Digital Style Informatica <info at digital-style.it>:
>> Il 04/09/2017 10:41, Stefan Johänntgen ha scritto:
>>> you can install with --force Flag:
>>> pear install -a -B --force horde/webmail
>>> Tell me if your dimp works. My dimp loads no e-mails, only the imp  
>>> app works. I don’t know if there is a mailserver problem or horde  
>>> config problem :-(
>> Thank you for assistence
>> I have just reinstalled from scratch, now I see differents errors.  
>> Maybe is related to my PHP?
> Yes, you run PHP 7 even though it's not yet officially supported,  
> and you didn't use the --force flag to override this. Additionally  
> you didn't install and configure the horde_role package.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> pear install -a -B horde/webmail
>> WARNING: "pear/Console_Getopt" is deprecated in favor of  
>> "pear/Console_GetoptPlus"
>> Unknown remote channel: phpseclib.sourceforge.net

Here is the link to my Horde installation notes.

It uses a separate user for Horde, and installs a local pear instance  
for Horde only.

SZÉPE Viktor, üzemeltetés
+36-20-4242498  sms at szepe.net  skype: szepe.viktor
Budapest, III. kerület

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