[horde] [whups]: error on script pipe in postfix (solved: finaly)

Carsten horde-groupware at familie-lahme.de
Tue Mar 13 21:05:17 UTC 2018

Hi all.

TOFU style:
Solution found and documented here:


Many thanks to all of you for Your support!



Am 13.03.2018 um 09:22 schrieb Jan Schneider:
> Zitat von Carsten <horde-groupware at familie-lahme.de>:
>> Hi all,
>> sorry for TOFU, but the thread seems to grow too much, and the 
>> previous kontent should be readable from the history.
>> I went to the postfix mailing list and described the issue. I got a 
>> hint pointing to chroot of postfix, and this is the current status:
>> #####C&P from the postfix mailing list################
>> ###
>> Hi again,
>> the hint to chroot has brought me to some more testing. There seems 
>> to be some related thing with it.
>> If I extend the file "whups-mail-filter" with these lines:
>> "..
>> $shellex = shell_exec("logger INFO my id: $(id)");
>> $shellex = shell_exec("logger INFO my groups: $(groups)");
>> .."
>> I get this output in the syslog:
>> "...
>> Mar 12 17:56:42 derdapp004 logger: INFO my id: uid=1001(postfix-pipe) 
>> gid=1002(postfix-pipe) groups=1002(postfix-pipe)
>> Mar 12 17:56:42 derdapp004 logger: INFO my groups: postfix-pipe
>> ..."
>> You can see, the group "www-horde" is missing completely.
>> Yes, indeed, postfix is chrooted by master.cf.
>> No I startet to experiment a little bit around, but did not find any 
>> solution by now.
>> I have copied the files "/etc/passwd" and "/etc/group" into the 
>> folder "/var/spool/postfix/etc" and restarted postfix.
>> No visible change to the behavior.
>> The question seems to be: "How do I get postfix with chroot to the 
>> point to read a valid group-file?"
> Since all of this doesn't have anything to do with Horde anymore, you 
> should maybe move this thread completely over to the postfix mailing 
> list.


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