[horde] Main Horde channel has 5.2.17, but Horde/Groupware has 5.2.22?

Arjen de Korte build+horde at de-korte.org
Mon Apr 9 14:20:00 UTC 2018

Citeren Sebastian Arcus <s.arcus at open-t.co.uk>:

> This might be a trivial question. I am on Horde 5.2.17, and if I do:
> # pear list-upgrades
> I get:
> Channel pear.horde.org: No upgrades available
> However, if I install Horde/Groupware, I get Horde 5.2.22.
> The official install docs still suggest:
>     # pear install -a -B horde/horde
> Which ends up installing 5.2.17. And if one continues by installing  
> separately the apps needed - such as Imp, Turba, Kronolith etc. -  
> the whole things stays at 5.2.17.
> However, as I've seen elsewhere talk of version 5.2.22, I discovered  
> that if one installs the Groupware app, instead of separate apps,  
> Horde goes to 5.2.22.
> I am a little puzzled. Are there two development tracks - one for  
> main Horde, one for the Groupware suite? Or has the main Horde  
> package been deprecated, and the current advice is to install the  
> Groupware suite instead.
> Any info on this would be much appreciated.

Horde Groupware != Horde

If you install Horde Groupware 5.2.22, you'll still end up with Horde  
5.2.17. It is just a convenient wrapper around a bunch of Horde  
packages with some additional configuration files for common  
installations. The underlying modules are identical.

You can look at the versions of the modules in  
<horde_location>/admin/config/, this will show identical versions.

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