[horde] duplicate key value violates unique constraint "horde_activesync_state_pkey"

Sebastian Arcus s.arcus at open-t.co.uk
Tue May 15 09:55:49 UTC 2018

On 14/05/18 13:52, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
> Quoting Sebastian Arcus <s.arcus at open-t.co.uk>:
>> I'm on Horde 5.2.17 with Lighttpd 1.4.49, PHP 5.6.35 and Postgresql 
>> 9.2.24
>> I get lots of the above errors in the logs and most of the 8 iPhones 
>> can't sync or download emails for several hours at a time, then they 
>> work again, they they stop again - and so on. The full error message is:
>> 2018-05-14T09:11:11+01:00 ERR: HORDE SQL QUERY FAILED: 
>> SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR:  duplicate key value 
>> violates unique constraint "horde_activesync_state_pkey"
>> DETAIL:  Key (sync_key)=({5acb7873-baa4-4ea3-8f69-3d9bc0a83c02}1527) 
>> already exists.
>>     INSERT INTO "horde_activesync_state" ("sync_key", "sync_data",
>>       "sync_devid", "sync_mod", "sync_folderid", "sync_user",
>>       "sync_pending", "sync_timestamp") VALUES (?, :binary0, ?, ?, ?, 
>> ?, ?,
>>       ?) [pid 11736 on line 282 of 
>> "/usr/lib/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Base.php"]
>> I would really appreciate some guidance on this please - as the mail 
>> downloading on the iPhones is really erratic and it drives users 
>> bonkers - and in turn they are driving me up the wall :)
> The unique violation is explained in the sync log, it happens when the 
> client either does not receive or does not understand the response it 
> was sent, so it issues the same sync request again. This can happen from 
> time to time under normal circumstances, but should not happen as often 
> as you state or prevent sync for hours at a time unless there is 
> something else going on.
> I would need to see the sync log for a device that is experiencing this 
> behavior to help you debug the issue further.

Thank you Michael. I will keep an eye on the logs over the next few 
days, as I have the feeling that error might not be the real cause of 
why the phones stop syncing for hours at a time. I will post back here 
in a few days.

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