[horde] pear.horde.org TLS Certificate

lameventanas at gmail.com lameventanas at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 09:03:47 UTC 2019

On 22/01/2019 23.47, Arjen de Korte wrote:
> Citeren Samuel Wolf <samuel at sheepflock.de>:
>> Zitat von Philipp Faeustlin <philipp.faeustlin at uni-hohenheim.de>:
>>> Please check the certificate of pear.horde.org
>>> The certificate was only valid till 26. December 2018.
>> https://marc.info/?t=154582863500001&r=1&w=2
> It may be have been fixed in the mean time, but currently the old
> certificate is back:
> https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=pear.horde.org&hideResults=on
>>> Or isn't pear a recommended way to update horde, anymore?
I'm wondering this too, is there is any alternative method to install /
upgrade horde apps that I don't know of? I never liked the pear method,
and this is one more reason to not like it.

The certificate has been expired for almost 1 month but nobody noticed?

This is strange, it makes me think that either Horde+apps is not as
popular as I thought or there is an alternative to the pear method.

Either way, it would hurt to have some monitoring so that this doesn't
happen again.
Here is a free online monitor: https://uptimerobot.com/

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