[horde] temp files in horde

Arjen de Korte build+horde at de-korte.org
Wed Apr 1 11:16:53 UTC 2020

Citeren cheese at nosuchhost.net:

> dear all,
> hope you are being healthy even during corona-time.
> i have a question concerning $conf['tmpdir'] from conf.php
> we have several horde-instances behind a loadbalancer and those  
> hordes share a single tmpdir. this was because if we take down one  
> of our horde-machine for maintenance we would like our users to be  
> able to work without interruption.

Sharing a single tmpdir is probably *not* the best idea. What you  
really want in this scenario, is sharing the session data (and maybe  
VFS). In order to do that, configure a Session Handler that is able to  
support this (a Distributed Hashtable or if you can't use that, either  
SQL or NoSQL Database). You really shouldn't use filebased sessions in  
a load balancing setup. You may need to configure a common  
$conf[vfs][params][vfsroot] too.

> now we see alot of files in that shared folder:
> * we have a lot of img* files, some of them with size 0
> * Horde* files, some of them empty, some with image-data, some with  
> contents of adressbooks
> * horde_dns.cache - we once had troubles as that file got currupted  
> and all apaches crashed because of that.
> * horde_form* - most of them empty
> * impatt* - seem to be attachments
> * php* - images and other data
> * .horde/imp/compose/uuid files - some seem to be complete mails,  
> some just images, zip-files
> are there any implications in sharing those folder between all  
> instances of our hordes? maybe horde1 and horde2 try to use the same  
> file?
> how often should we delete files from that folder. we had lots of  
> old files there, some of them several weeks or even months.

Clearing the session files after $conf[session][max_time] is probably  
safe to do. Regarding stuff in the VFS, depends on how you configured  

> any best-practise from other installations?
> thanks for all input
> yours
> josef

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