[horde] Horde on Freebsd and gentoo

Hanns Mattes hanns at hannsmattes.de
Thu May 27 17:03:20 UTC 2021


I'm planning to move a horde-installation to a new server, and I'd like
to use freebsd - never installed yet - or gentoo (or arch) as underlying
system, no decision yet. I like the idea of a rolling release, and
installing horde is part of the test. It's a test and not a

First of all: Are there ports/packages for gentoo or freebsd? I do not
like the pear-way of installing very much, though I've been there on
linux, but not on Freebsd.

If not: Anything special of using pear with Freebsd?

OS-independent: My idea is to dump the relevant database, move it to the
new server and also copy and adjust the existing configs. Is that

Any comment welcome


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