[horde] [announce] [SECURITY] XSS vulnerability in Horde_Mime_Viewer_Ooo

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Wed Mar 2 11:48:10 UTC 2022

>>Am 01.03.22 um 22:19 schrieb Jan Schneider:
>>>The Horde Team is pleased to announce the final release of the 
>>>Horde_Mime_Viewer library version 2.2.3.
>>>Horde_Mime_Viewer is a library that provides rendering drivers for 
>>>MIME data.
>>>An XSS vulnerability in the Open Document viewer has been reported 
>>>by Simon Scannell from SonarSource. You can find the full report 
>>>and mitigation measures at https://blog.sonarsource.com/horde-webmail-account-takeover-via-email
>>>Thanks to Simon Scannell for reporting this issue and for the 
>>>detailed report, and apologies for not releasing a fix within the 
>>>disclosure embargo.

>Idézem/Quoting Frank Richter <frank.richter at hrz.tu-chemnitz.de>:
>>Thanks. Is the mentioned mitigation ('disable' => true in 
>>config/mime_drivers.php or better in mime_drivers.local.php) 
>>superfluous by this new version?

On 02.03.22 10:33, SZÉPE Viktor wrote:
>Everyone encouraging you to edit non-local files makes your next upgrade fail.

generally yes, but this particular case could be self-healing - after 
security update the changes are reverted.

>Files in a pear package will get overwritten thus your changes will disappear.
>Make changes in local files!
>// https://blog.sonarsource.com/horde-webmail-account-takeover-via-email
>$mime_drivers['ooo'] = array(
>    'disable' => true,

$mime_drivers['ooo']['disable'] = true;

be enough?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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