[horde] caldav problem with Debian 11 + php7.4 + nginx 1.18/fastcgi

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun May 15 20:37:42 UTC 2022

Quoting Ruud Baart <r.j.baart at prompt.nl>:

> Because this list has been inactive for awhile, I send this question  
> again. I hope someone can give me a hint.
> I wrote Apr 1 2022:
> The upgrade is ready.
> Horde works fine on Debian 11 with nginx, postgres, dovecot.
> Only only one problem remains: tbsync/caldav does not work. The  
> credentials of the user does not arrive.
> Using curl to see what is send:
>    * Server auth using Basic with user 'user at domain.example'
>     > GET /rpc/kronolith/user at domain.example/id_calender_in_horde.ics
>    HTTP/1.1
>     > Host: horde.domain.example
>     > Authorization: Basic
>    bG9pc2lyLXBvdXItdG91c0BzdC1hbmRyZS1sZS1kZXNlcnQuZnI6YXQ4Tytsd2Fz
>     > User-Agent: curl/7.82.0
>     > Accept: */*
> I think it is the Authorization header that is not correctly managed  
> by fastcgi. I don't know how to solve this.

What makes you think that? What are you seeing?

> The Apache setup uses:
> RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_MS_ASPROTOCOLVERSION:%{HTTP:Ms-Asprotocolversion}]
>   RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_X_MS_POLICYKEY:%{HTTP:X-Ms-Policykey}]
>   RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
> I tried things like
>    fastcgi_param Authorization $http_authorization;

This should not be necessary.

> because such additional configuration of fastcgi seem logical to me.  
> But that does it doesn't work.
> I assume these rewrite are needed  for active_sync and caldav.  
> Active sync works fine so the last rewrite rule is probably not  
> "active" in the nginx/fastgi setup.
> If I solve this problem I think everything works and fast. Anyone  
> solved this one?
> My most urgent problem is I need to read a calendar and publish this  
> calendar on a website. The way it worked for years with Apache was:
>    wget --user=username --password=password \
>    --output-document="local_file.ics" \
>    https://server.example.com/rpc/kronolith/my_calendername.ics"

This works fine for me on my nginx based installation. What *exactly*  
is the response you are getting?  Are you certain that you have the  
alias configured correctly for rpc?

             location ^~ /horde/rpc/ {
                 if (!-e $request_filename){
                     rewrite ^(.*)$ /horde/rpc/index.php/$1 break;

                 fastcgi_split_path_info     ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
                 fastcgi_pass                unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;
                 include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
                 fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME  

> This doesn't work anymore because the credentials are not working anymore.
> If nginx/fascgi is not able to handle authorization, is there a  
> alternative way of downloading the ics-file? Website and horde are  
> on the same server, so a command line solution would be fine.
> Thanks for any ideas.
> On 3-3-2022 10:06, Ruud Baart wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm upgrading my servers. From Debian 10 (+backports), php7.3 and  
>> Apache to news servers with Debian 11, php7.4 and nginx.
>> There are quite some examples of nginx configurations. Also here:  
>> https://wiki.horde.org/webserver/nginx. So I assume Horde works  
>> fine with nginx.
>> However, before I continue with my new servers, I still have the  
>> choice between Apache and Nginx. I'm curious if members of this  
>> list have experience with the intended configuration.
>> If possible, I would like so see a working (and secure) nginx configuration.
>> Ruud Baart
> -- 
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