[horde] Git Errors since last pull

Simon B simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 08:40:47 UTC 2022

On Mon, 7 Nov 2022 at 20:16, Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:
> Quoting Simon B <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
> > On Mon, 7 Nov 2022 at 10:47, Ralf Lang <ralf.lang at ralf-lang.de> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Simon,
> >>
> >> Am 07.11.2022 um 10:30 schrieb Simon B:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I do a regular pull of Git on Mondays.  Since today's update, I am getting
> >> these errors in the logs...
> >
> > Would it not have been better to fork the repository? :)
> I sympathize with your situation - I put off breaking BC with 5.x in
> master for as long as possible but master is not guaranteed to be
> stable, production worthy code. PHP 5.6 was EOL'd amost 4 years ago.
> People running git master checkouts are expected to be following
> commit history and/or development discussions. The Framework_5_2
> branch is the current stable branch where our current releases are
> built and will continue to maintain BC with PHP 5.3. In order for us
> to move forward, we have to start breaking BC with PHP 5.x.
> Introducing another fork wouldn't really help as these are patches
> from the fork that Ralph already created in order to help with moving
> the upstream code to PHP 8+. Until we've settled on an official
> minimum version for the next Horde release, I've avoided adding any
> code that isn't compatible with php 7.0 to minimize the impact.

Hi Mike,

Well, I am subscribed to all the horde mailing lists that are relevant
to me - and always have been.  But I am not a developer, so not the
development list.

I have been putting off an OS upgrade because I am aware

> The Framework_5_2
> branch is the current stable branch where our current releases are
> built and will continue to maintain BC with PHP 5.3

And because I am not a developer I need a version of Horde that will
be as easy to install as the current git pull I have been using for
~10 years.

Once Horde LLC have settled on the minimum version, I will be able to
go ahead and update my OS/PHP versions.   For the time being I have
stopped the weekly cron doing the pull.  So the release of a new
stable version of Horde cannot come quick enough.



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