[horde] Horde project status

Marcel Selhorst horde at selhorst.net
Sat Apr 1 05:39:03 UTC 2023

> I still dont understand how Horde has just gone 
> stall without some sort of announcement or simple reply from any of the 
> developpers...  Are they seeing these emails?  Is horde officially 
> "abandonware" from a production point of view?
> Simply asking to better understand.  Its not the first time an 
> opensource project goes belly up but usually there is some sort of 
> announcement, or at least something informing of a hiatus in the 
> development...

I was just about to ask the same questions. We are seeing critical 
blocking issues since weeks and can't get a response; neither via 
bug-tracker, nor via e-mail or IRC. I've been using Horde for over 10 
years now and it is really sad to see it gone without notice.


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