[horde] Request CSS Content over HTTPS (Horde 6)

Brent impuser at bitrealm.com
Sat Jun 24 12:18:01 UTC 2023

  Quoting Ronny Forberger <ronnyforberger at ronnyforberger.de>:

> Hi,
> I am trying out Horde 6 (in development), but I cannot get the CSS  
> content loaded over HTTPS.
> In Chrome console, i.e., I get the error message:
> login.php:4 Mixed Content: The page at  
> 'https://HOST/horde/login.php' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested  
> an insecure stylesheet 'http://HOST/themes/horde//default/screen.css  
> <https://host/horde/login.php'%20was%20loaded%20over%20HTTPS,%20but%20requested%20an%20insecure%20stylesheet%20'http://HOST/themes/horde//default/screen.css>'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over  
> login.php:4 Mixed Content: The page at  
> 'https://HOST/horde/login.php' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested  
> an insecure stylesheet 'http://HOST/themes/horde//default/webkit.css  
> <https://host/horde/login.php'%20was%20loaded%20over%20HTTPS,%20but%20requested%20an%20insecure%20stylesheet%20'http://HOST/themes/horde//default/webkit.css>'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over  
> I am rewriting everything (path /) in Apache2 to https, but this  
> seems not to have effect.
> The site is HSTS enabled.
> How can I tell Horde to serve CSS content over HTTPS?
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Ronny
> Ronny Forberger
> E: ronnyforberger at ronnyforberger.de
> W: http://www.ronnyforberger.de

The biggest problem I've seen when URLs aren't being written correctly  
is due to haveing an incorrect conf.php. Be sure that you are copying  
the .dist to .conf:

# cd /var/www/horde/web/horde/config  (install directory being  
/var/www/horde, in this case)
# cp conf.php-dist conf.php

I've seen people do:

# cp horde.local.php conf.php  (this is wrong)


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