[horde] Language settings

A. Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Wed Dec 6 17:18:50 UTC 2023

Am 06.12.23 um 12:10 schrieb Nils:
> Still I would like to know if I could select only a few languages to be offered (I wouldn't want to delete files in /usr/share/horde/locale, because next package update would overwrite or ask questions then). 

cat <<"EOF" > /etc/horde/horde/nls.d/local.php
$horde_nls_config['defaults']['language'] = 'de_de';
$horde_nls_config['languages'] = array(
   'de_DE' => 'Deutsch',
   'de_de' => 'Deutsch',
   'en_GB' => '&#x202d;English (British)',

$horde_nls_config['spelling'] = array(
   'de_DE' => '-T latin1 -d deutsch',
   'en_GB' => '-d british',

the values are copied from /etc/horde/horde/nls.php


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