[horde] Is there a real sieve-editor for horde?

Ralf Lang ralf.lang at gmail.com
Sat Dec 30 16:20:07 UTC 2023

Hi Nils, vacation has been integrated with Ingo long ago. By design, it's
not a sieve editor though today sieve is the primary backend. New
installations usually don't do procmail or the likes. I don't even have a
procmail test setup anymore.

That said, having a direct to sieve plugin for ingo isn't out of question.
Can you describe your use case and what kind of sieve rules you need that
are not supported by managing through ingo?

If it's about coexisting with other sources of sieve scripts, that might be
possible through multiple different approaches. I personally don't have
this requirement so I need input on what is actually wanted and if there is
a sufficient ask for it.

Nils <horde at bugblatterbeast.de> schrieb am Fr., 29. Dez. 2023, 18:49:

> I guess that horde/ingo is great for someone who's unfamiliar with sieve
> scripts. I am very unhappy with it's restrictions. Is there a real sieve
> script-editor/management-tool for horde?
> Will horde/vacation (last seen in H3, I think) ever make a comeback?
> Kind regards,
> Nils
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