[horde] redis cache server

Nels Lindquist nlindq at maei.ca
Mon Jun 3 16:08:50 UTC 2024

Hi, Ruud.

On 2024-06-02 6:28 AM, Ruud Baart wrote:

> Question about redis on a debian system in combination with Horde 5. 
> Environment Horde 5.2.22, php 7.4, nginx, debian bullseye server.
> I would like to replace the memcache server by a redis server. In fact 
> not very difficult.
> Redis server works fine and several wordpress websites were changed form 
> memcache to redis without a problem. However if I change "the 
> distributed hastable" in the horde configuration I get an error:
> 024-06-02T11:17:54+02:00 EMERG: HORDE Error: Class 'Predis\Client' not 
> found in /usr/share/php/Horde/Core/Factory/HashTable.php:107
> and horde stops working. I can't find any useful information about this 
> error. Can someone give me a hint?

Horde's redis implementation depends on the third-party Predis library, 
which is distributed independently of Horde.

No idea whether it's packaged in a Debian repository, but you should be 
able to install it via composer (or pear).

Nels Lindquist
nlindq at maei.ca

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