[i18n] translation.php init problem - FIX
Miroslav Pendev
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 01:19:22 -0400
I found the problem.
It seems that sed pipes are not 100% correct when the source and the
target files are the same. Altough, it may work with fast ATA100 HDD's, with
my test K6-2 350MHz and 2GB HDD the result is [tragic] broken target file ;-)
It may be due to diffs between Linux and FreeBSD [no flame wars...]
Anyway, I made small patch that use /tmp/temp.po as temp file for the sed pipe.
With temp file everything is OK, the init part works perfect ;-)
Jan, feel free to change the temp file to whatever you wish.
The diff is here:
Hope that helps!