[i18n] i18n with debian anyone?

Jan Normann Nielsen horde@dubbekarl.dk
Fri, 9 Aug 2002 17:51:03 +0200


Has anyone has any success getting gettext support under PHP 4 to work under
Debian (3.0r0)? The _() function does nothing except output its parameter.
I'm using the Horde/IMP webmail system and it works fine with with multiple
languages under Apache/PHP on W2K so why won't it work on Debian?

I have the following packages installed:

ii  gettext        0.10.40-5      GNU Internationalization utilities
ii  gettext-base   0.10.40-5      GNU Internationalization utilities for the
ii  gettext-el     0.10.40-5      Emacs po-mode for editing .po files.
ii  php4           4.1.2-4        A server-side, HTML-embedded scripting
ii  php4-imap      4.1.2-4        IMAP module for php4
ii  php4-mysql     4.1.2-4        MySQL module for php4
ii  php4-pear      4.1.2-4        PEAR - PHP Extension and Application

Best regards,
Jan Nielsen