[i18n] Problem with Portuguese language

horde@abismo.org horde@abismo.org
Tue Nov 19 16:02:23 2002

Hi there

I would appreciate it if anyone  could give any feedback on this strange

RedHat: 7.3
apache: Apache/1.3.23
php:    4.1.2
horde:  2.1.3   (rpm)
imp:    3.1-2   (rpm)
turba:  1.1-2   (rpm)

(all packages are uptodate with RedHat's releases)


  When I use  the Portugues language, the language used  while using imp
  normaly changes from English to Portuguese.

  Just pressing  the refresh button on  the same page is  enough for the
  page to be returned sometimes  in Portuguese others in English (tested
  on IE & Netscape, Linux and win2k).

  If I use Brasilian Portuguese, no problem.

  As a  sneaky work around, I  copied the Portuguese .mo  files onto the
  Brasilian one and hid out the Brasilian option and all works ok.

Any ideias how I could fix this more elegantly?

BTW: the rpm files do not include the po/ directory.

He who knows not and knows that he knows not is ignorant.  Teach him.
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool.  Shun him.
He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep.  Wake him.
Jose' Carlos

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