[i18n] Login in Spanish always

RicardoNúñez rinunez at usb.ve
Wed Mar 5 20:56:45 PST 2003

Dear Gentlemen,

I've just installed Horde 2.2.1, imp 3.2, pear 1.0.1.

I have a 'pure' but updated Linux RedHat 7.3 system: apache 1.3.27, php 4.1.2,
postgresql 7.2.3.

I want two things:

1) The initial login interface SHOULD BE ALWAYS IN SPANISH, no matter browser
language or other things. I noticed that is in English for most of the browsers
I have in Linux.
2) But I want in the login interface the possibility to switch to other language.
3) I want the 'language option' be on (active) in the 'options menu'.

Can you help me?

Thank you very much,

Ricardo Núñez
rinunez en usb.ve

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