[i18n] translation.php wipes out messages ?

Benoit St-André ben at benoitst-andre.net
Sun Sep 7 19:27:12 PDT 2003

Hi everyone

Since I began working on Horde couple of weeks ago, I worked a lot with
the translation.php script to make, update, etc to keep everything up to
date when french translations were not done yet.

I noticed that some messages keeps disapearing. As example, the  "Save
draft" message is not there anymore in my fr_FR.po file...weird. I
looked up in the imp.pot and it isn't there either. Weird too...

I'm beginning to wonder if I understand correctly how translation.php
works... I checked the  README in the po directory, and it is

So (after a long intro), here is how I understand how the
translation.php works to update translations... (PS: I'll add/modify
that README and/or write an howto if that can save time for other people

How to update a translation

1-Create the compendium for my  language:  ./translation.php compendium
-l fr_FR

2-Update the translation: ./translation.php update -m modulename -l

3-Edit the fr_FR.po of that module, translate, translate, translate...

4-Compile the translation ./translation.php make -m modulename -l fr_FR

Is that correct ? What am I missing here ? Normally, the update process
should pick in all the messages and not miss the ones like "Save Draft",
no ? Where am I making a mistake ?

Thanks  !

Benoit St-André 
ben at benoitst-andre.net http://benoitst-andre.net
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